Clubs & societies

The DramSoc of Wesley College had yet another successful year.   The Year 2019 commenced with a series of Script Writing and Workshops in February/March, conducted by the Directress for English Drama at Wesley College, Miss. Tasmin Anthonisz.

The aim of this series was to maximize students exposure to Drama and different Theatre forms.  Rather than just limiting to performance, this enhanced the skills in all aspects of production; basic performance techniques, correct breathing, voice projection etc.   The experience gained through this workshop paved the way for our young thespians to participate in the Drama Competition organized by Royal College which was held in June 2019 at the Lionel Wendt auditorium.  The amazing performance of the play ‘Chaoes Lounge”  was highly commended and was able to win the hearts of the audience that evening.   Our College dramatists were able to bring honour to the College by emerging as the winner of the Award for the BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR, which was won by mast. Akmal Hamid and for the BEST FEMALE PORTRAYAL by mast. AadhamThurab. 

Moving forward with the activities, the Rotary Club of Colombo North, organized a worksop in August 2019 and our cast gained more exposure by participating in it.   This was immensely helpful to develop the skills which provided opportunities for the dramatists to broaden their vision with regard to Theatre.

The experiences gained through different aspects of Drama & Theatre throughout the year helped the youngsters to bring out the real essence of the Shakespearean Drama through their spectacular performance of the piece of production – “THE TWELFTH NIGHT” at the Inter School Drama Competition 2019, organized by the Colombo YMCA along with the Rotary Club of Colombo  North.   The Directress of Production, Ms. Tasmin Anthonisz, was able to bring out the best in our Thespians and was able to get into the finals.   This tremendous performance  of the young Wesleyites was remarkable as they emerged with the Award for the ‘ BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR’  shared among three thespians – Anuk Fernando, Akmal Hamid and AadhamThurab.

After having a good restart in 2018, the Quiz Club of Wesley College organized their first major event, Trident Challenge Shield’19, a triangular Quiz Competition along with the Quiz clubs of St.Thomas’ College and Bishops College on the 28th of September 2019. This event received  avery good response from the schools which took part and the other schools that participated  in the game of mind sport.

Along with the support of the Master in charge and the immense interest of Quizzing of the students, the Quiz team took part in several competitions organized by many other Schools, Universities and Institutions  and was always placed in the top 10 positions.

The Quiz team participated  in the All Island Logistics and transport Quiz 2019 organized by the CINEC Campus and was placed the 2nd Runners up among the 25 schools which took part. The same team won the 2nd Runners up place in 2018 too.

Also the Tamil Quiz team took part in the All Island Tamil Quiz competition, “Arivuchchamar “organized by Royal College, Colombo and was placed  1st Island wideamong the 25 schools which participated.

The ICT Society had an amazing year with many accomplishments.   The members of the ICT Society, successfully organized the Intra School ICT competitions with the participation of many students.  It was themed ‘Cybercrime’ and this helped many students to be more aware of cyber threats and the ways and means of handling them tactfully.

A few members of the ICT Society attended a program called ‘AZURE’, which was conducted by Microsoft  based on cloud computing, which was a huge success.

They also participated in many external events which were organized by other schools and institutions, such as school quiz programs and other all island competitions.   We are indeed proud that our boys pushed themselves to participate and win some of these competitions.

The ICT Society of Wesley College was formed in the year 2012 and has been an active society since then having the vision “To motivate students to relate and be a part of the digital age”. In order to reach this vision, the society allows students to participate in various events and to gain experience with new trends in ICT, to explore from the known to unknown and equip themselves with the necessary knowledge to face the future in a successful manner. The members of the society have participated in numerous inter-school competitions and have been declared as emerged champions many times.

Also, the Society was successfully able to organise ICT Days, Exhibitions and competitions over the years which brought glamour and pride to the school.

The Interact Club of Wesley College was chartered on the 30th of September 1980, under the Presidency of current Rotarian, Mr. Thariq Thulba. The ICWC has grown into a vibrant, active and an influential club which has risen from strength to strength over the past 37 years to be one of Sri Lanka’s premier Interact Clubs, thanks to its dedicated service to the society and its committed members. The ICWC is well known for frequently organizing and participating in professional development programs and creating wholesome members of the society. Two of the premier projects organized by the ICWC are, the ‘ Ballad Festival’ and the annual ‘Ifthar’ ceremony.

In the year 2016/2017 ICWC organized many events of repute beginning with the annual Ifthar (1st July 2016), immediately followed by ‘The Drop’ (9th July 2016) a Finance Project that brought in one of the best DJs and Bands in the island. The event had an audience of nearly 600 attendees. Thereafter, the club was selected to host the first District Meeting together with the Interact Club of Anula Vidyalaya on the 9th July 2016. The main event of any interact year is the ‘Installation’ which was held on the 5th of October 2016, and the new office bearers were selected and appointed to carry on with the new year and this was witnessed by over 35 school based Interact Clubs and 5 Rotaract Clubs. This was followed by a Parents Workshop under the Theme – ‘Project Guardian’. Many other projects, such as ‘The Interact Walk – ‘Ascend’ were graced by the ICWC and even today the club goes ahead with major Community Service Projects like ‘Colours of Compassion’ to raise funds to help out Ward 2 of the Lady Ridgeway Childrens’ Hospital in its renovations and replacement of amenities.

Through these efforts, the ICWC develop a network of friendships and will continue to prosper and grow as it increases its reach and grasps the future quickly and firmly.

Mass media is the means used to communicate to the general public. Hence Mass Media has become the most sort out thing to the people in the world at present. This is why, children who complete their education and step out to into the society must have a sound knowledge of mass media. Wesley has paved the way to a large group of students to display their talents through the College Mass Media Unit. Not only has the Unit been able to show case their talents at many school events such as the Prize Giving, Sports Meet, Concerts, Children’s Day, Teacher’s Day, Wesley Walk and Elder’s Day but they were also exposed to Television as well. The members of the Media Unit use modern technology to photograph all the school events and exhibit them to the students using novel methods.

The members of this unit have displayed their capability in Oratory, Announcing and Photography at every school event, proving that the Mass Media Unit of Wesley College is an asset to the school. It could also be said that some of these students have stepped very confidently into the many areas of work not only in Sri Lanka, but overseas as well.

It is if no doubt that the members of this unit have won many awards to their credit, due to the encouragement of the Mass Media Unit of Wesley College.

It is a pleasure to announce the formation of the Debate Team in Wesley College two years ago. This provided us with the opportunity of participating in the famous television program ‘Sirisa Debater’ soon after. The TV appearance gave much publicity to our Team, paving the way for recognition and known to other schools. In fact, not only the schools, but institutions like the Law College invited our team to their Debate Program. It is worthwhile to mention that our Debate Team possess many certificates to verify their competency in this exciting art skill.

At the outset it was a difficult task to select 8 members from the entire student population because this talent in students had never been tested before. But strenuous work, dedication and proper guidance can bring can bring in encouraging results in a short time.

Students who believe in their debating skills are invited to join our Sinhala Debate Team and prove that Wesley Sinhala Debate Team can outshine other schools.

The Student Christian Movement of Wesley College is an active Society and is responsible for the upliftment and the spiritual welfare of the Christian body of the College.

Chapel Services

  • Morning devotional Services are held from Monday to Friday every week from 7.00 a.m. to 7.30 a.m.At this service, students are given an opportunity to lead a time of praise and worship to God.
  • Chapel Service is conducted every 4th Sunday of the month for all the Christian students, Old Boys and families.
  • Special Prayer times are held for teachers every Tuesday during the interval.
  • Prayers are held for the Christian students during the interval.
  • Special morning services are conducted during the lent season.

Little Heroes

A One Day program was conducted for the students from 6 to Grade 8, wherein they were taught the word of God in a more interactive and fun method, followed by a fellowship lunch.

  • This was a one day program conducted for the students from grade 9upwards where they learntas towhy children get away from God due to technology which was followed by a fellowship lunch.
  • A seminar for O/L students in the Matara District where there is a shortage of Christian Teacherswas conductedin preparation for the upcoming examination.

Carol Service

Annual Carol Service was held along with the College Choir.

Christmas with Elders

The members of the Student Christian Movement, spent a Day at an elder’s home in Havelock town to show the true meaning of Christmas.

Leadership training

A One day program was held in Delgoda, on True Christian Leadership to 50 selected students.

Preaching Seminar

A Seminar for 25 students and 25 teachers of the College was conducted on the right way to preach and teach the word of God.

Blood Donation Camp.

A Blood Donation camp was held to donate blood to people who were in need of blood.

  • Addition of new books to the library.

Teachers Day

On Teacher’s Day, key tags with Bible verses printed was distributed to all teachers.

Monthly Fellowship

All students in the SCM gather once a month for a fellowship breakfast during one interval of the month.

Program along with SCMSL.

The SCM of Wesley College along with the SCM of Sri Lanka organized a day program for all the schools in the Colombo unit.

O/L seminar

The full support of the Student Christian Movement was given towards the O/L seminar that was organized by the National Christian Council held at College.

Events participated

TALK Seminar – Learn how to talk and work with the new generation of youth was conductedby Ps. Sampath Bandara and Dr. Ajith Fernando.

First Priority – A program was conducted by First Priority Team USA on how to deal with the younger generation and their problems and also to organize fun activities.

40 seconds – A program was conducted by Methodist College on how to talk to a person who choose to lose one’s life within 40 seconds.

Annual SCM Camp

The Annual  SCM camp was organized for 150 students for 4 days,  teaching them the word of God under the theme “IDENTITY” where you find your true identity in Christ. This was held from the 5th to the 8th of April at Ape Kedella, Madampe.


SCM Day was held for all schools with a SCM Committee to have a time of fellowship, fun, games and also teach the word of God.

The Student Christian Movement of Wesley College is an active Society and is responsible for the upliftment and the spiritual welfare of the Christian body of the College.

Student Christian Movement

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Buddhist Society

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Hindu Union/Tamil Debate Union

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Islamic Society

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English Literary Society

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Interact Club

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Sinhala Debate Union

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Photographic Club

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Media Unit

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ICT Society

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Science Union

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Commerce Union

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Banking Society

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Wild Life Conservation Society

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Senior Choir

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Library Readers Union

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Art Club/Design Club

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Scout Troop

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Tamil Literary Union

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Western Band

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Model United Nations Club 

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English Drama Society

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Sinhala Drama Society

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Junior Science Technology

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General Knowledge Club/Quiz Club

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Road Safety Unit

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College History Unit

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Astronomical Society

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Debator’s Syndicate

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Philatelic Society

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Maths Club

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Social Services Unit

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Young Inventors Club

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Non-Addicit Society

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Environment Society

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Junior Drama Club

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Junior English

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Junior Choir

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History Club

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Sinhala Union

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Gavel Club

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Sports Meet Unit

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Sri Lanka Unites

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First Aid Unit

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Creative Arts Club

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Arts Circle

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Eastern Band

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Young Entrepreneurs Society

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Arts union

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