
Due to the combination of several factors Badminton has now become a well organized and efficiently managed sport at Wesley. The sheer dedication of the Coach, and the Teacher in charge together with a committed and enthusiastic bunch of Boys enabled the 4 age group teams to elevate from the “E” division to “C” division.

In the tournaments conducted in the latter part of 2016 our under 13 team became Joint Champions while our under 14 and under 16 teams became champions in the Western Province tournament conducted by the institute of Sport Science. Earlier our under 19 team was placed 3rd in the “C” division in the All Island Tournament.

It is with much regret that we place on record that our Badminton Teacher in charge fondly referred to as “Roshini Teacher” bid goodbye at the end of 2016 in pursuant of greener pastures. Her love and dedication will be missed by the Badminton circuit especially by the children under her charge.

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